Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Photo Session with Drew

When Anna and I were in Columbus we were blessed to spend lots of time with our dearest friend Drew. We spent an afternoon at his home studio and here are some of our favorite shots. Thank you so much Drew! We love you and miss you very very very much!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home for the Holidays

After having a week off of school due to lots of snow, Anna and headed back to Ohio to visit family and friends for the holidays. We had an amazing trip and feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you to everyone for making our visit so special. We love and miss you and can't wait till our next visit.
Anna was so excited to finally be with Baby Ella!
Anna helping mama feed Baby EllNana and the girls
Kids playing Hungry Hungry Hippo

Anna loved doing Superman with Nana
Uncle Bill and Isabella
Uncle Drew...we were so excited to see Uncle Drew
Visiting with Jenny and Melissa (and kids). We hadn't seen each other in over 15 years.
Santa brought a new doll house to Nana's house for the girls...they loved it!
Aunt Lu...due in April with Baby Boy Cox
Anna and Uncle Drew
Baby Ella wearing her REI little outdoor girl. The girls in matching PJ's...Christmas tradition.
Papa and his girls.
Anna and Isabella...the best role model for Anna!

Anna's Christmas gift from made out of box.
Great Grandpa, Anna and Elmo